1, 3, 2022

One Way To Reduce Bruising After Surgery


One of the most common side effects after surgery is bruising. Whether it is due to plastic surgery or vein surgery, bruising and swelling are inevitable. One of the most powerful tools that we recommend for patients undergoing any type of surgery and one way to reduce bruising after surgery is RECOVA post surgery cream


Dr Nishe Bunke created RECOVA cream as a post surgical recovery cream specifically designed to reduce bruising, swelling, redness, and pain. RECOVA skin creams are packed with antioxidants and natural ingredients that promote healing and reduce inflammation. 


RECOVA cream aids in reducing pain, swelling, and discoloration after cosmetic surgery, injections, and procedures, laser treatments, varicose vein procedures, Sclerotherapy, minor injuries, and is one way to reduce bruising after surgery.


Our patients at La Jolla Vein Care have seen quick transformation post procedures. The combination of natural ingredients in RECOVA cream helps aid in quicker recovery.


 The powerful ingredients included in RECOVA are listed below:  


  • Arnica Montana is a flower extract that helps with inflammation, swelling, and bruise recovery. 


  • Grapeseed Oil has numerous benefits and includes numerous vitamins such as vitamin E. It is a flavonoid that aids in chronic venous insufficiency, varicose veins, and edema. 


  • Bromelain is an enzyme that is a natural remedy for inflammation and swelling.


  • Horse Chestnut is used to improve poor blood circulation, reduce swelling, and for varicose vein symptoms. 


  • Caprylhydroxamic Acid is an amino acid derived from coconut oil used as a gentle preservative that ensures product safety and longevity. 


  • Witch Hazel is used for swelling and inflammation. It is used to shrink varicose veins and hemorrhoids as well as reduce rosacea and clear redness of the skin. 


  • Butcher’s Broom is used for natural anti-inflammatory properties. It is used to reduce swelling and reduce varicose vein symptoms. 


  • Sunflower Seed Oil is packed with vitamins A, E, C, and D. 


  • Menthol is not present in the tinted RECOVA, since Tinted Arnica is often used around the eyes. 


The combination of these ingredients contributes to an overall comforting and healing sensation when applied to the skin. 


RECOVA is a tool that stands out due to its natural ingredients that aid in venous disease symptoms. RECOVA is hypoallergenic, and non comedogenic. RECOVA is also free of parabens, phthalates, preservatives, synthetic additives, and dyes, and never tested on animals. 


Patients have used RECOVA cream after vein procedures and have seen quick and lasting results. We recommend physicians offer this for patients if they complain of redness, itching, and bruising after their procedures. RECOVA offers immediate soothing relief of discomfort for our patients. 


Check out RECOVA online for more information and to purchase RECOVA tinted arnica cream and RECOVA post surgery cream. 

Below are a few patient transformations while using RECOVA Cream post surgical procedures.

one way to reduce bruising after surgery one way to reduce bruising after surgery

before 3 after 3one way to reduce bruising after surgery

One Way To Reduce Bruising After Surgery2022-03-17T10:10:31-07:00

7, 5, 2015

28, 4, 2015

4, 9, 2014

Before and After Photo: Varicose Veins


Varicose veins, of any size can be successfully removed without surgery. There are a number of non-invasive treatment options to remove them without surgery. See more before and after pictures of La Jolla Vein Care treatments, on the ‘results’ page.

Varicose veins, which are the bulging, twisted veins just beneath the surface of the skin, can cause symptoms such as leg heaviness, aching, tiredness, swelling, fatigue, throbbing, burning, restless legs and night cramps.  Fortunately, there are a number of non-invasive treatment options to remove them without surgery. The doctors at La Jolla Vein Care have specialized in non-surgical vein removal for several years and thousands of non-surgical vein procedures have been successfully performed at La Jolla Vein Care.  See more before and after pictures, on the ‘results’ page.

Before and After Photo: Varicose Veins2021-11-04T17:21:11-07:00

23, 8, 2014

Results of Non-Surgical Vein Treatment



Before and After Picture of Non-surgical Removal of Varicose Veins at La Jolla Vein Care. The before picture shows bulging varicose veins that arise from an incompetent great saphenous vein (this vein is not visible to the naked eye). In the past, these veins would have been stripped with vein stripping surgery. Fortunately, new technology allows for even large varicose veins to be removed without surgery. This patient underwent radiofrequency ablation (or endovenous ablation) of the great saphenous vein and foam sclerotherapy of the bulging varicose veins at La Jolla Vein Care.

Results of Non-Surgical Vein Treatment2021-11-04T00:37:11-07:00

Before and After: Varicose Veins



Before and After Photo: This is a before and after picture of varicose veins that were removed without surgery at La Jolla Vein Care. Modern varicose vein treatments no longer require surgical removal. Please see our photo gallery for more before and after pictures of varicose veins, spider veins and venous leg ulcers on our ‘Results’ page or click on the ‘Treatments’ page to learn more about our treatments.

Before and After: Varicose Veins2021-11-04T00:33:56-07:00

29, 7, 2014

Before and After Pictures: Varicose Veins


Before and After Photo: Varicose Veins. This patient had non-surgical vein removal of large varicose veins along the inner calf at La Jolla Vein Care.
To view more before and after photos and results from varicose vein treatments, go to La Jolla Vein Care’s photo gallery.

Before and After Pictures: Varicose Veins2021-11-04T20:15:13-07:00

How To Make Varicose Veins Vanish


How To Make Varicose Veins Vanish Without Surgery

Physicians have many options for treating varicose veins. The choice often depends on the severity and cause of the problem. It’s important that patients are carefully evaluated so treatment can be tailored to individual needs.

In some cases, varicose veins may present a primarily cosmetic problem. In others, they may be a symptom of a more severe underlying circulatory condition that should be addressed by a vascular specialist.

Compression hosiery can be used to provide support and reduce varicose veins symptoms such as the aching and tiredness associated with but they cannot make varicose veins disappear.   There are no supplements or creams that can make varicose veins disappear. There are a variety of creams, lotions, and ointments that are advertised in newspapers and magazines to make veins disappear. There is no scientific evidence that these creams or lotions can make varicose and spider veins disappear. Once veins are dysfunctional, it is a mechanical problem and the valves cannot be repaired. But, they can be removed. There are many ways to accomplish this.

Sclerotherapy is used for smaller varicose veins and for spider veins, also known as telangiectasia. A fine needle is used to inject a chemical solution into the veins. The chemical causes the vein to collapse and eventually disappear. The procedure can be done in a doctor’s office and doesn’t require an anesthetic. Patients feel only a slight burning when the chemical is injected. Often several sessions are needed to treat the veins.

Foam sclerotherapy or ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy is used to treat large varicose veins.

Ambulatory Phlebectomy is an alternative to foam sclerotherapy, and involves making a series of tiny incisions along the length of the vein and gently removing the vein in sections using a hook. The procedure can be done on an outpatient basis and can be used for both large and small veins.

Radiofrequency ablation is a minimally invasive procedure involving using a catheter to introduce an electrode into the saphenous vein (great, small, or accessory saphenous veins). The energy from the electrode shrinks and seals off the vein. Nearby healthy veins take over the job of carrying blood from the legs.

Surgical ligation and stripping are rarely performed because the newer, minimally invasive procedures have replaced surgery for removing varicose veins.

For more information about treatment types and non-surgical methods to make varicose veins vanish, go to www.july01ljvascular.com. 

Before >> After

Before and After Pictures: Varicose Vein Treatment at La Jolla Vein Care. At La Jolla Vein Care, we utilize minimally invasive techniques to make varicose veins vanish- all without open surgery or general anesthesia.

How To Make Varicose Veins Vanish2022-01-04T03:48:13-08:00

5, 6, 2014

Why Didn’t My Spider Veins Go Away?


Before and After spider vein treatment at La Jolla Vein Care. This picture demonstrates that spider veins (reddish spider-like vessels) can stem from underlying feeder vessels (the blue vein). The feeder vein can be compared to the ‘root’ of a weed; If you clip the surface branches of a weed without pulling the root of the problem, the weed will never go away.


Veins in certain locations, like in the inner knee or inner thighs and inner ankles, often arise from underlying venous incompetence of a vein called the great saphenous vein that runs from the groin along the inner thigh to the ankle. If spider veins do not respond to treatment, it is important to have an ultrasound evaluation to determine if there is an underlying source of the problem.  Once the underlying problem is properly identified, it can be treated.

Spider veins can be the ‘tip of the iceberg’ and represent a bigger problem, that is not visible to the naked eye. For example, as seen in the first image, spider veins can arise from blue ‘feeder’ veins, which must be treated for best results.

Spider veins can also stem from an underlying problem such as venous reflux in larger veins, such as the great saphenous vein. As demonstrated in the second picture, spider veins in the inner knee, inner ankle and inner thighs can originate from this vein. This can only be determined by ultrasound examination. It is important to have your vein evaluated by a trained specialist. Effective treatment depends on an accurate and thorough diagnosis.

Why Didn’t My Spider Veins Go Away?2021-11-04T19:29:17-07:00
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