Vascular information from Dr. Bunke

Vein & Vascular News, Tips, Treatments and More!

Laser vein ablation and varicose veins (VenaCure)

The VenaCure EVLT procedure is minimally-invasive and can be performed in a doctor’s office. It addresses both the cosmetic and medical issues associated with varicose veins.

A laser light emitted through a thin fiber inserted into the damaged vein delivers just a small amount of energy, causing the malfunctioning vein to close and seal shut.

Veins that are treatable with the VenaCure EVLT system are superficial veins. Laser therapy with the VenaCure EVLT system is indicated for varicose veins and varicosities with superficial reflux of the Greater Saphenous Vein, and in the treatment of incompetent refluxing veins in the superficial venous system in the lower limb.

After the VenaCure EVLT procedure, your body will naturally route blood flow to other veins.

Bulging and pain in the damaged and now-sealed vein will subside after the procedure.

Because VenaCure EVLT vein treatment eliminates varicose veins where they start, the results can be obvious right away.

Before undergoing any treatment, it is important to discuss with your physician the risks, benefits and alternatives to the procedure.

Complications with vein treatments are rare, but you should be aware of Potential Complications:

Potential complications include, but are not limited to the following: vessel perforation, thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, phlebitis, hematoma, infection, skin pigmentation alteration, neovascularization, paresthesia due to thermal damage of adjacent sensory nerves, anesthetic tumescence, non-target irradiation, hemorrhage, necrosis, DEHP exposure, skin burns and pain.

To read more about the VenaCure EVLT procedure that we perform at La Jolla Vein Care, click here. To schedule a consultation or telemedicine visit with one of our physicians to further discuss laser treatment and alternatives to laser, call us at 858-550-0330.


Laser vein ablation and varicose veins (VenaCure)2022-10-24T10:45:29-07:00

La Jolla Vein & Vascular: Ways we treat venous disease

Symptoms to look for in venous disease:

La Jolla Vein and Vascular offers various ways for venous disease treatment. While there are numerous excellent ways to treat venous disease, we have named four of our favorite ways to treat it. What is venous disease and how does it happen? Venous disease occurs when backwards flow (or “reflux”) is present in the superficial veins of the legs. This can cause pain, fatigue, itching, swelling, and varicose veins, which can lead to venous disease. Night-time symptoms include leg cramps and restless legs. Advanced disease can produce skin damage and wounds that do not heal. 

An ultrasound is used to identify the source of backwards flow and develop a personalized treatment plan. 

The best symptomatic and cosmetic results are achieved when superficial vein reflux is treated from its source, starting with the main superficial veins of the legs and leaving the skin-level (cosmetic) treatment for last. 

Each specific treatment plan depends on the patient’s goals. Some patients are only concerned about symptomatic improvement and avoiding complications of long term venous reflux disease. Others may be interested in cosmetic improvement. In either case, we can generally achieve an 80% improvement in symptoms and appearance of the legs. Many patients also report improvement in swelling  after venous disease treatment.  

Venous Disease Treatment: Saphenous Reflux with a Catheter Ablation Procedure

The great and small saphenous travel down the inner leg and back of the leg, respectively. These veins tend to be straight and far from skin and nerves, which allows us to treat them with minimally invasive catheter procedures that are potent and precise. A catheter is a very thin tube that is inserted into the vein, similar to an IV, through which the doctor can apply heat, a rotating wire, and or medication. All modalities are about 95% effective in closing the diseased vein. None require a skin incision, so they do not leave a scar. 

Venous Disease Treatment: Branch Venous Reflux

Ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy is the most common treatment for branches of the saphenous veins and portions of the saphenous veins which cannot be treated with a catheter procedure (e.g. if they are too close to skin or nerves). The veins are localized with ultrasound, then the medication is given through a tiny needle. Several treatments may be needed, as we can only administer a small amount of foam per day. Large or resistant veins may require more than one injection. For very large bulging varicose veins through tiny skin incisions. This allows many veins to be treated in one day. 

Venous Disease Treatment: Spider Veins with Cosmetic Sclerotherapy 

Following treatment of the “underlying reflux” with the ultrasound-guided procedures, you may still have some prominent veins at the skin level. These can be treated with cosmetic sclerotherapy. 

Venous Disease Treatment: Compression of Stockings 

Prior to approval of treatments for venous disease, insurers require patients to try compression stockings. Medicare requires a 3-month trial of compression supervised by the treating physician. We recommend patients should wear the 20-30 mmHg thigh-high stockings for at least a day before treatment to confirm they fit. 


La Jolla Vein & Vascular (formerly La Jolla Vein Care) is committed to bringing experts together for unparalleled vein and vascular care. 


Nisha Bunke, MD, Sarah Lucas, MD, and Elliot DeYoung, MD are specialists who combine their experience and expertise to offer world-class vascular care. 


Our accredited center is also a nationally known teaching site and center of excellence. 


For more information on treatments and to book a consultation, please give our office a call at 858-550-0330. 


For a deeper dive into vein and vascular care, please check out our Youtube Channel at this link.


For more information on varicose veins and eliminating underlying venous insufficiency, check this link out full of resources. 


La Jolla Vein & Vascular: Ways we treat venous disease2022-10-24T10:42:16-07:00

How can I reduce bruising after surgery?

One of the most common side effects after surgery is bruising. Whether it is due to plastic surgery or vein surgery, bruising and swelling are inevitable. One of the most powerful tools that we recommend for patients undergoing any type of surgery and one way to reduce bruising after surgery is RECOVA post surgery cream

Dr Nishe Bunke created RECOVA cream as a post surgical recovery cream specifically designed to reduce bruising, swelling, redness, and pain. RECOVA skin creams are packed with antioxidants and natural ingredients that promote healing and reduce inflammation. 

RECOVA cream aids in reducing pain, swelling, and discoloration after cosmetic surgery, injections, and procedures, laser treatments, varicose vein procedures, Sclerotherapy, minor injuries, and is one way to reduce bruising after surgery.

Our patients at La Jolla Vein Care have seen quick transformation post procedures. The combination of natural ingredients in RECOVA cream helps aid in quicker recovery.

 The powerful ingredients included in RECOVA are listed below:  

  • Arnica Montana is a flower extract that helps with inflammation, swelling, and bruise recovery. 
  • Grapeseed Oil has numerous benefits and includes numerous vitamins such as vitamin E. It is a flavonoid that aids in chronic venous insufficiency, varicose veins, and edema. 
  • Bromelain is an enzyme that is a natural remedy for inflammation and swelling.
  • Horse Chestnut is used to improve poor blood circulation, reduce swelling, and for varicose vein symptoms. 
  • Caprylhydroxamic Acid is an amino acid derived from coconut oil used as a gentle preservative that ensures product safety and longevity. 
  • Witch Hazel is used for swelling and inflammation. It is used to shrink varicose veins and hemorrhoids as well as reduce rosacea and clear redness of the skin. 
  • Butcher’s Broom is used for natural anti-inflammatory properties. It is used to reduce swelling and reduce varicose vein symptoms. 
  • Sunflower Seed Oil is packed with vitamins A, E, C, and D. 
  • Menthol is not present in the tinted RECOVA, since Tinted Arnica is often used around the eyes. 

The combination of these ingredients contributes to an overall comforting and healing sensation when applied to the skin. 

RECOVA is a tool that stands out due to its natural ingredients that aid in venous disease symptoms. RECOVA is hypoallergenic, and non comedogenic. RECOVA is also free of parabens, phthalates, preservatives, synthetic additives, and dyes, and never tested on animals. 

Patients have used RECOVA cream after vein procedures and have seen quick and lasting results. We recommend physicians offer this for patients if they complain of redness, itching, and bruising after their procedures. RECOVA offers immediate soothing relief of discomfort for our patients. 

Check out RECOVA online for more information and to purchase RECOVA tinted arnica cream and RECOVA post surgery cream. 

Below are a few patient transformations while using RECOVA Cream post surgical procedures.


La Jolla Vein & Vascular (formerly La Jolla Vein Care) is committed to bringing experts together for unparalleled vein and vascular care. 


Nisha Bunke, MD, Sarah Lucas, MD, and Elliot DeYoung, MD are specialists who combine their experience and expertise to offer world-class vascular care. 


Our accredited center is also a nationally known teaching site and center of excellence. 


For more information on treatments and to book a consultation, please give our office a call at 858-550-0330. 


For a deeper dive into vein and vascular care, please check out our Youtube Channel at this link.


For more information on varicose veins and eliminating underlying venous insufficiency, check this link out full of resources. 


How can I reduce bruising after surgery?2022-10-24T10:37:51-07:00

EVLA for varicose veins

Endovenous Laser Ablation for Saphenous Vein Reflux (EVLA)

Endovenous laser vein ablation, also known as endovenous laser therapy (EVLA), is a type of treatment for saphenous vein reflux, the underlying cause of most varicose veins. At La Jolla Vein Care, we offer ALL treatment modalities for varicose veins, not just one. Treatment is customized based on a person’s individual pattern of venous reflux (determined by ultrasound examination), personal preference, and personal health history.

The  endovenous laser vein ablation procedure may be offered for backward flow (or “reflux”) in your saphenous vein(s).  The great and small saphenous veins are the two main superficial veins that run along the inner thigh/ calf and the back of the legs, respectively. Some people have anatomic variations where the small saphenous vein in the back of the calf extends to the thigh. Many people also have reflux in their anterior or posterior saphenous veins.

This minimally invasive procedure can be performed in the office in less than 30 minutes and patients return to their usual level of activity the same day. 

How does the treatment work?

The skin is numbed with lidocaine, then a tiny wire and the laser catheter are inserted into the vein. The catheter delivers laser energy to the vein wall, causing it to seal shut. The remaining healthy veins continue to bring blood back to the heart. 

What should I expect on the day of treatment?

The procedure is performed with local anesthesia, but many patients elect to use a mild oral sedative (Valium), which is taken after checking in and completing all paperwork. You will change into a gown and leave underwear on. 

Depending on the vein to be treated, you will lay on your back or on your belly. We do our best to make special accommodations (for example, if you cannot lie flat or cannot bend a knee very well) with body positioning and using pillows. We will do our best to make you comfortable. Then, we will give you the option of watching a movie on Netflix or listen to music. Once you are comfortable, your leg will be prepped with cleansing solution for the sterile procedure. The doctor will perform an ultrasound to map the vein to be treated. 

Then, a numbing agent (lidocaine) will be injected into the skin. In the numb area of the skin, a tiny puncture is made to pass the laser catheter under ultrasound guidance. Your doctor will then use a needle to administer a combination of cool saline and local anesthetic around the vein. This solution numbs the vein and insulates it from the surrounding tissue. Laser energy will then be used to painlessly treat the vein. Once your vein has been treated, we will help you into your compression stocking, which you will wear for 72 hours continuously. You will walk for 30 minutes prior to getting in your car. 

La Jolla Vein & Vascular (formerly La Jolla Vein Care) is committed to bringing experts together for unparalleled vein and vascular care. 


Nisha Bunke, MD, Sarah Lucas, MD, and Elliot DeYoung, MD are specialists who combine their experience and expertise to offer world-class vascular care. 


Our accredited center is also a nationally known teaching site and center of excellence. 


For more information on treatments and to book a consultation, please give our office a call at 858-550-0330. 


For a deeper dive into vein and vascular care, please check out our Youtube Channel at this link.


For more information on varicose veins and eliminating underlying venous insufficiency, check this link out full of resources. 


EVLA for varicose veins2022-10-24T10:29:30-07:00

Are there any adverse effects of vein treatment?

What are the adverse effects of Vein treatment?

Patients generally do very well with vein treatments, all of which have a low risk of complications. Some post treatment effects can include:

Aching over the treated veins is normal after treatment. This responds well to walking, ice packs, and anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or naproxen (Aleve). 

Bruising over injection sites is also normal after treatment and resolves in about two weeks. 

Hyperpigmentation can occur from blood pigments that are released as it is healing. It is more common in patients with large bulging veins and certain complexions. Hyperpigmentation tends to fade over many weeks after treatment if you stay out of direct sunlight. 

Intravascular hematoma refers to a large varicose that becomes firm and tender days to weeks after treatment. This also responds well to ice packs and anti-inflammatory medications. We may also recommend a confirmatory ultrasound and/or offer needle drainage of the trapped blood to alleviate discomfort and minimize skin pigmentation. 

Deep vein clots are very uncommon, and usually are limited to patients with poor mobility, advanced age, hormone treatment, and/or genetic tendency for clotting. We monitor all patients with ultrasound throughout treatment so we can detect clots at a very early stage before they cause a symptom. We may recommend surveillance ultrasounds, extra walking, and/or a short course of blood thinners. 

Numb spot over a treated vein is another uncommon event after radiofrequency or laser ablation. This occurs when a branch of a skin nerve gets stunned during the heat treatment. It tends to improve over several weeks. The nerves that control the movement of the leg and foot are located far from the superficial veins. 


La Jolla Vein & Vascular (formerly La Jolla Vein Care) is committed to bringing experts together for unparalleled vein and vascular care. 


Nisha Bunke, MD, Sarah Lucas, MD, and Elliot DeYoung, MD are specialists who combine their experience and expertise to offer world-class vascular care. 


Our accredited center is also a nationally known teaching site and center of excellence. 


For more information on treatments and to book a consultation, please give our office a call at 858-550-0330. 


For a deeper dive into vein and vascular care, please check out our Youtube Channel at this link.

For more information on varicose veins and eliminating underlying venous insufficiency, check this link out full of resources.

Are there any adverse effects of vein treatment?2022-10-24T10:25:00-07:00

All you need to know about varicose veins

Varicose veins are swollen, blue, bulging, twisted, superficial (those closest to the skin) veins of the leg. High pressure inside the superficial veins of the leg causes varicose veins, but genetics are thought to play a large, contributing role. As many as 40 million Americans have them. Left untreated, varicose veins may become worse. Persons with varicose veins often experience leg aches and fatigue. They may also incur skin changes such as rashes, redness and ulcers.

What factors influence development of varicose veins?

  • Age: People between the ages of 30 and 70 often have varicose veins. 
  • During pregnancy, 50 to 55 percent of American women experience varicose veins. In most cases, the veins return to normal within a year after childbirth.
  • Women who have multiple pregnancies may develop permanent varicose veins.  

Risk factors include:

o being overweight, or a family history of varicose veins

o standing or sitting for long periods of time

A vascular surgeon will review your medical history, do a physical exam and look at your prominent veins. You may be sent for a duplex ultrasound test, also known as a venous reflux study, to identify the causes of your varicose veins. The painless test uses high-frequency waves to measure the venous blood flow. The test helps the physician visualize the vein structure and the blood flow in the veins.

Most doctors will suggest lifestyle changes for patients. This includes:

  • maintaining the proper weight
  • elevating legs when resting
  • not sitting or standing for long periods of time 
  • wearing compression (elastic support) stockings

In some cases, a vascular surgeon will recommend additional treatments:

  • Sclerotherapy is the sealing of the veins via an injection of a medication. This procedure is done mainly for smaller spider veins. It is performed in a doctor’s office. The physician injects a chemical into the varicose veins to prevent the veins from filling with blood.
  • Vein Stripping is performed. The physician may make two small incisions, one in the groin area and another below the knee, through which the diseased veins are removed. This is an outpatient procedure, usually done under general anesthesia. Patients can resume their normal activities after four weeks.
  • Ablation and laser treatment are performed on patients with severe varicose veins. They are done under local or general anesthetic. The ablation procedure inserts a thin, flexible catheter into the leg vein. The tip of the catheter has tiny electrodes that heat and seal off the walls of the vein. Laser treatments use a tiny fiber placed in the vein through a catheter. The fiber sends out laser energy that closes the diseased portion of the vein. These two modes of treatment frequently replace stripping of the saphenous vein. They can be performed alone or in conjunction with removal of individual clusters of the veins known as small incision avulsion or ambulatory phlebectomy.


La Jolla Vein & Vascular (formerly La Jolla Vein Care) is committed to bringing experts together for unparalleled vein and vascular care. 


Nisha Bunke, MD, Sarah Lucas, MD, and Elliot DeYoung, MD are specialists who combine their experience and expertise to offer world-class vascular care. 


Our accredited center is also a nationally known teaching site and center of excellence. 


For more information on treatments and to book a consultation, please give our office a call at 858-550-0330. 


For a deeper dive into vein and vascular care, please check out our Youtube Channel at this link.


For more information on varicose veins and eliminating underlying venous insufficiency, check this link out full of resources. 


All you need to know about varicose veins2022-10-24T10:16:46-07:00

Aftercare information for foam sclerotherapy

After care for foam sclerotherapy

After Treatment Care

You will be instructed on how long to wear compression stockings after foam sclerotherapy treatment, depending on the size of the veins that are treated. Most patients wear thigh-high compression stockings continuously for 1-3 days, then another 7 days.

For the first 24 hours after the procedure, you should not get the area wet. But after, you may shower with the stockings on or take a quick cool shower with them off. Avoid heated showers for one week after the foam sclerotherapy treatment.

You should walk 30 minutes twice daily after treatment and move your legs frequently throughout the day with short walks and/or calf exercises. This avoids pooling of blood in the legs. Avoid prolonged sitting during the day, and when you are sitting have your legs be elevated.

Avoid direct sun exposure during the healing process. The two weeks after treatment. Using sun tan lotion after is recommended.

No swimming in public pools, lakes, or oceans for one week to reduce risk of infection.

It is normal to have aching in the treated veins. This responds well to walking, ice packs, and anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and naproxen (Aleve).

What to avoid after foam sclerotherapy treatment

For at least two weeks after treatment, you should avoid strenuous exercise (anything more than a brisk walk), heavy lifting, saunas or hot tubs, and leg massages. All of these dilate the superficial veins and interfere with their healing. You should also avoid airline travel for two weeks after treatment.

Possible side effects after foam sclerotherapy treatment

You will likely have some bruising over the injection sites, then the treated veins may become firm and blue. We recommend patients use the product, RECOVA cream, as this helps reduce swelling, redness, and bruising post procedure.

The skin overlying the treated veins may also develop brownish hyperpigmentation as the blood products within those veins are absorbed by the body; in some patients it can take up to a year to fade.

An uncommon complication is a blood clot within a deep vein. The risk is minimized by using ultrasound guidance and performing calf exercises throughout the procedure.


La Jolla Vein & Vascular (formerly La Jolla Vein Care) is committed to bringing experts together for unparalleled vein and vascular care. 


Nisha Bunke, MD, Sarah Lucas, MD, and Elliot DeYoung, MD are specialists who combine their experience and expertise to offer world-class vascular care. 


Our accredited center is also a nationally known teaching site and center of excellence. 


For more information on treatments and to book a consultation, please give our office a call at 858-550-0330. 


For a deeper dive into vein and vascular care, please check out our Youtube Channel at this link.


For more information on varicose veins and eliminating underlying venous insufficiency, check this link out full of resources. 

Aftercare information for foam sclerotherapy2022-10-24T10:12:59-07:00

What you need to know about Asclera

What is polidocanol (Asclera)? 


A variety of sclerosant medications can be used for veins, but at La Jolla Vein Care, we prefer polidocanol (brand name Asclera), because it is the most comfortable for the patient and has the lowest risk of side effects. It is a detergent-type medication that injures the inner lining of the veins. This causes the vein to stop flowing, then eventually close down completely. Polidocanol has been well-studied and has been approved by the FDA since 2010 for the treatment of varicose veins and has been used in Europe for decades. Polidocanol is turned into a foam to treat larger veins. This is an off-label use of the sclerosant but very effective and well tolerated. Asclera (polidocanol) Injection is a prescription medicine that is used in a procedure called sclerotherapy to remove unwanted veins on your legs. It is administered by a healthcare provider to treat two types of veins:


  • Uncomplicated spider veins (very small varicose veins ≤ 1 mm in diameter)
  • Uncomplicated small varicose veins (1 to 3 mm in diameter) known as reticular veins

Asclera has not been studied in varicose veins more than 3 mm in diameter. La Jolla Vein Care providers have extensive experience with foam sclerotherapy. 




  • injection site hematoma
  • injection site irritation 
  • injection site discoloration 
  • injection site pain 
  • injection site itching 
  • injection site warmth 
  • neovascularization 
  • injection site clotting


How often do I need treatment to see results?

The number and frequency of treatments depends on the size of the vessels and their location. Ask your provider about an individualized treatment approach that is right for you.

How does Asclera work?

Asclera is a sclerosing agent that is injected into the vein. It works by damaging the endothelium, the inside lining of blood vessels. This causes blood platelets and cellular debris to attach to the lining of the vessels. Eventually, cellular debris and platelets cause the blood vessel to clot. Over time, the clotted vein will be replaced with tissue.

How satisfied are patients who use Asclera?

88% of clinical study patients were satisfied or very satisfied with their Asclera treatment after 12 weeks.

How long is each Asclera session?

A typical session lasts 15 to 45 minutes. Generally, 1 to 3 injections may be necessary to treat a given spider or reticular vein. Repeat treatment sessions may be necessary. Any additional treatment sessions are usually separated by 1 to 2 weeks.

What should I expect after being treated with Asclera?

Following treatment, you’ll need to wear compression stockings day and night for 2 to 3 days, then for 2 to 3 weeks during the daytime, as directed by your provider. Compression stockings are designed to apply pressure to your lower legs, helping to maintain blood flow, and reduce discomfort and swelling. Compression helps your legs heal and is necessary to reduce the risk of deep vein thrombosis.


Are there activities I should avoid after receiving an Asclera Injection?

For 2 to 3 days following the treatment, avoid:

  • Heavy exercise
  • Sunbathing
  • Long plane flights
  • Hot baths, hot tubs, or saunas

Possible side effects to Asclera treatments:

Temporary side effects may occur at the site of the injection, including:

  • Bruising
  • Raised red areas
  • Small skin sores
  • Darkened skin in the form of lines or spots
  • Multiple tiny red blood vessels

These side effects usually go away within a few days to several weeks. Some side effects may take months or years to resolve.

“Bringing Experts Together for Unparalleled Vein and Vascular Care”


La Jolla Vein & Vascular (formerly La Jolla Vein Care) is committed to bringing experts together for unparalleled vein and vascular care. 


Nisha Bunke, MD, Sarah Lucas, MD, and Elliot DeYoung, MD are specialists who combine their experience and expertise to offer world-class vascular care. 


Our accredited center is also a nationally known teaching site and center of excellence. 


For more information on treatments and to book a consultation, please give our office a call at 858-550-0330. 


For a deeper dive into vein and vascular care, please check out our Youtube Channel at this link.


For more information on varicose veins and eliminating underlying venous insufficiency, check this link out full of resources. 


What you need to know about Asclera2022-09-19T20:24:13-07:00

Varicose Veins: Patient Transformations

Varicose Veins: Patient Transformations 

What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins are the twisted, bulging veins just beneath the surface of the skin. They are swollen, twisted veins that you can see just under the surface of the skin. These veins usually occur in the legs, but they also can form in other parts of the body, and are very common. 

What causes varicose veins?

Varicose veins are caused by leaky vein valves, which allow blood to pool within the veins causing them to stretch and become enlarged. Varicose veins can be an isolated finding, but the majority of the time, they are caused by underlying venous reflux disease. Venous reflux disease is also known as venous stasis, venous insufficiency or venous incompetence. Reflux may occur in the deep and/or superficial leg veins.

La Jolla Vein Care Before and After Transformations:


varicose veins 50 BA VV varicose DSCF9555 fotor 1 51 BA VV varicose DSCF9625 fotor scaled 2


At La Jolla Vein Care, we are here for our patients from beginning to the end. We love seeing the transformations that take place. Below are a few cases from our patient transformations from before varicose vein treatment to after varicose vein treatment. 


“Bringing Experts Together for Unparalleled Vein and Vascular Care”


La Jolla Vein & Vascular (formerly La Jolla Vein Care) is committed to bringing experts together for unparalleled vein and vascular care. 


Nisha Bunke, MD, Sarah Lucas, MD, and Elliot DeYoung, MD are specialists who combine their experience and expertise to offer world-class vascular care. 


Our accredited center is also a nationally known teaching site and center of excellence. 


For more information on treatments and to book a consultation, please give our office a call at 858-550-0330. 


For a deeper dive into vein and vascular care, please check out our Youtube Channel at this link.


For more information on varicose veins and eliminating underlying venous insufficiency, check this link out full of resources. 


Varicose Veins: Patient Transformations2022-09-19T20:19:29-07:00

What is Stasis dermatitis

Stasis dermatitis or venous stasis dermatitis is a change in the skin that occur when blood collects (pools) in the veins of the lower leg. ‘Stasis’ refers to pooling of the blood in the lower legs from venous insufficiency, and ‘dermatitis’ refers to the inflammation and related skin changes. Because of the inflammation, the skin around the ankles is usually itchy and discolored.

At first, the skin of the ankles and lower legs may look thin or tissue-like. You may slowly get brown stains on the skin.

The skin may become irritated or crack if you scratch it. It may also become red or swollen, crusted, or weepy.

Over time, some skin changes become permanent:

  • Thickening and hardening of the skin on the legs and ankles (lipodermatosclerosis)
  • A bumpy or cobblestone appearance of the skin
  • Dark brown color

Skin sores (ulcers) may develop (called a venous ulcer or stasis ulcer). These most often form on the inside of the ankle.  For this reason, whenever stasis dermatitis or skin changes are noticed around the ankle, you should see your doctor or vein specialist to stop the progression of venous insufficiency and prevent the skin from forming an ulceration.


Chronic venous insufficiency over time can lead to skin changes and eventually ulceration. This image demonstrates stasis dermatitis (also known as venous dermatitis). Stasis dermatitis refers to the skin changes including skin discoloration around the ankles, dry itchy skin that can be thin, and it may eventually break down to cause an ulceration. You need to see a doctor if these signs are present.


“Bringing Experts Together for Unparalleled Vein and Vascular Care”


La Jolla Vein & Vascular (formerly La Jolla Vein Care) is committed to bringing experts together for unparalleled vein and vascular care. 


Nisha Bunke, MD, Sarah Lucas, MD, and Elliot DeYoung, MD are specialists who combine their experience and expertise to offer world-class vascular care. 


Our accredited center is also a nationally known teaching site and center of excellence. 


For more information on treatments and to book a consultation, please give our office a call at 858-550-0330. 


For a deeper dive into vein and vascular care, please check out our Youtube Channel at this link.


For more information on varicose veins and eliminating underlying venous insufficiency, check this link out full of resources. 


What is Stasis dermatitis2022-09-19T20:15:12-07:00
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