How Ultrasound Can Detect Hidden Dangers in Leg Veins

The Duplex Ultrasound examination allows us to visualize the blood vessels that are not visible to the naked eye, even blood vessels that are deep within the muscles. Ultrasound looks at deep and superficial veins in the legs to check for venous-valvular incompetence (the underlying condition that causes varicose veins). The ultrasound examination is used to both identify the veins that have faulty valves and to map the anatomy of the veins, creating a ‘road map.’ This is necessary to make an accurate assessment of the cause and extent of the varicose veins, as well as to formulate the best treatment plan. This should be done for any individual being evaluated for varicose veins, leg swelling, skin changes, patients who have failed prior treatment, patients who are symptomatic and in some patients with certain anatomic patterns of spider veins.
Before your test:
This study does not require any preparation. You should not wear your compression stockings the same day as the examination. Make sure to be hydrated.