3 Reasons why leg pain occurs

Concerned about Leg Pain?
We evaluate and treat leg pain that is related to poor circulation, varicose veins and blood clots. These are all vascular conditions. However, there are numerous causes of non-vascular leg pain including injuries in the joints, bones, muscles or ligaments. Arthritis can also cause leg pain. Low back pain can radiate to the legs and also cause pain. It is always important to have a thorough evaluation by your doctor to determine the correct cause.
- Blood Clots:
Leg pain caused by blood clots can vary in how it presents. Not all blood clots will cause pain. Blood clots in the deep veins, called deep vein thrombosis, (DVT) can cause a sudden onset of swelling in the leg, pain, and sometimes redness and warmth. It usually affects one leg instead of both. It may be difficult to walk. A blood clot in a superficial vein, called superficial vein thrombosis, often occurs in a varicose vein. The vein can feel hard, painful, lumpy, or you may feel a rope-like knot just beneath the skin. The skin may appear red and hot.
- Venous Reflux Disease:
Leg pain caused by venous reflux disease often presents as leg pain, heaviness, fatigue, that tends to get worse throughout the day and with standing. It may be worse in hot weather. Women may experience worsening symptoms during menstruation from hormonal influence. Night-time symptoms of leg cramping and restlessness are common. There may or may not be visible signs of venous disease, as venous reflux usually starts in veins that are not visible to the naked eye before becoming visibly apparent. Signs of vein disease include varicose veins (bulging, twisted, enlarged veins and the surface of the skin), spider veins, ankle swelling, and long term venous reflux, called chronic venous insufficiency can cause the skin to darken around the ankles and ulcerate.
Poor arterial circulation in the legs is referred to as peripheral arterial disease (PAD). PAD has a different presentation than venous disease. Leg pain is often with walking and can cause cramping most frequently in the calf muscles but also can occur in the thighs or buttocks. The cramping stops usually with rest. Signs may include poor perfusion to the toes causing paleness and thickened toe-nails. Pulses at the feet may be absent.
“Bringing Experts Together for Unparalleled Vein and Vascular Care”
La Jolla Vein & Vascular (formerly La Jolla Vein Care) is committed to bringing experts together for unparalleled vein and vascular care.
Nisha Bunke, MD, Sarah Lucas, MD, and Elliot DeYoung, MD are specialists who combine their experience and expertise to offer world-class vascular care.
Our accredited center is also a nationally known teaching site and center of excellence.
For more information on treatments and to book a consultation, please give our office a call at 858-550-0330.
For a deeper dive into vein and vascular care, please check out our Youtube Channel at this link.
For more information on varicose veins and eliminating underlying venous insufficiency, check this link out full of resources.
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