Signs of Osteoarthritis

Published On: June, 13, 2022

For most people, the knee osteoarthritis symptoms come and go, worsening over time. While it is easy to dismiss early knee OA signs and symptoms, the symptoms become worse if left untreated, causing mobility issues. 


Some of the common OA signs and symptoms include:


Knee Pain: Knee pain is the most reported OA symptom. The pain description often varies from one person to the other depending on their condition and situation. Sometimes the pain may come and go, while the person may experience chronic low levels of pain with intermittent intense pain flare-ups. On the other hand, you may experience a dull, aching. Most often, knee OA pain gets worse, especially when doing activities that put a strain on the knee, such as walking upstairs or squatting.


Swelling: Damaged cartilage causes the femur and tibia bones to rub together, leading to irritation. The irritation forces the body to produce excess fluid at the joint, making the knee swell.


Stiffness: The swelling and friction in the knee make the joint stiff. You may often experience 30 minutes of stiffness after sitting for an extended period or early in the morning. Knee stiffness can also be accompanied by reduced motion range and visible swelling.


Redness and Warmth: The irritation develops when the knee joint’s bones rub each other causing the skin over the knee to become warm and red. These signs could also indicate an infection that requires medical attention.


Reduced Range of Motion: The swelling in the knee limits your range of motion. Mild to moderate knee OA makes it hard for you to bend or straighten the knee completely.

Worsening Symptoms with Inactivity

Your knees tend to become stiff after long periods of sitting or sleeping. In most cases, you will notice pain and stiffness after waking up in the morning or sitting for long hours.


Popping or Crunching: A popping or crunching sound when bending your knee indicates knee joint friction.


Buckling or Locking Up: People with moderate to severe knee OA can also cause a sensation of knee-buckling. The sensation develops when there are uneven flaps or grooves, or cartilage breaks off and sticks in the joint.


 So, if this is you and you’ve been experiencing  osteoarthritis pain, please give our office a call at 858-550-0330. 


For more information please check out our Youtube Channel at this link. 


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