18, 8, 2010

An Alternative to Surgery


Today, sclerotherapy is clearly the gold standard for removing spider and varicose veins. During this procedure, a specially trained physician injects a safe sclerosing agent directly into the blood vessel. The effectiveness of the procedure comes as a direct result of the training, experience, and judgment of the physician to make sure that the sclerosant’s volume, concentration, and exposure time are exactly right. What happens next? The solution displaces the blood in the vein, causing it to immediately appear lighter in color. The solution irritates the vein lining, causing it to collapse and blocking it from receiving more blood. Within a few weeks, the unused vein is absorbed by the body and disappears. With advancements in medicine, there’s no reason to go under the knife anymore—sclerotherapy is a safe, effective, and cost effective alternative to surgery.


Executive Team

An Alternative to Surgery2010-08-18T23:13:50-07:00

The Beauty of Expertise


Selecting the right vein specialist is important for receiving the most effective treatment available. Today, veins specialists are called phlebologists. Phlebology is a specialty field of medicine dedicated to diagnosing and treating vein-related conditions. As a result, it’s imperative that whoever is treating varicose or spider veins is board certified by the American Board of Phlebology. To confirm that your vein doctor is qualified, simply go to the American Board of Phlebology website. In the upper right-hand corner, you’ll see a tab that reads FIND AN ABPh CERTIFIED PHYSICIAN. By confirming your doctor is board-certified, you’ll get more than better treatment—you’ll get the peace of mind every patient deserves. It’s the beauty of expertise—and it’s the convenience of having valuable information at your fingertips.


Executive Team

The Beauty of Expertise2021-11-03T21:35:31-07:00
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