Why Compression Socks?
Olympic champion and Boston Marathon winner, Meb Keflezighi wears CEP compression socks while running. CEP compression socks can be found at compressrx.com.
Graduated compression stockings apply external pressure to your legs reducing venous pressure. Graduated compression stockings are great to use if your want to increase circulation, support you leg veins, and want to reduce uncomfortable leg symptoms such as swelling, tired and achy feeling legs.
They are important in the conservative management of varicose veins to reduce symptoms. They are also used after any type of vein treatment to improve the effectiveness of treatment, to reduce bruising and swelling, and for comfort.
Anyone can benefit from compression stockings. Compression stockings are great for relieving ones symptoms when sitting, standing or moving around for long periods of time. They are also great for professionals such as nurses, hairdressers, desk workers, and everyone in between.
Athletes wear compression stockings too. There is some evidence that medical compression helps to reduce muscle fatigue and improves muscle recovery. But, not all compression socks are made equal. They should be medical graduated compression, like CEP socks by Mediven. These are the socks preferred by Olympic champion and Boston Marathon winner, Meb Keflezighi wears CEP compression socks while running. Find medical CEP compression socks at compressrx.com.