Dr. Bunke Trains Doctors Using Vein Simulator
Dr. Bunke Paquette instructed doctors on advanced techniques of sclerotherapy last week at a workshop hosted by the Society for Vascular Medicine. Dr. Bunke used a special training model, called a ‘sclerotrainer,’ which allows educators to teach vein injection techniques on a lifelike model that includes veins filled with fluid that is the same viscosity as blood, of varying sizes and depth and veins. This device made it possible for many clinicians to perfect different injection techniques for tiny telangiectatic and reticular veins.
La Jolla Vein Care’s Dr. Bunke Paquette instructs doctors on techniques for sclerotherapy of telangiectasias and reticular veins on a life-like model of veins.
The Sclerotrainer is a lifelike model that includes veins filled with fluid that is the same viscosity as blood, of varying sizes and depth and veins. This allows educators to teach vein injection techniques for the treatment of small spider and reticular veins.
The La Jolla Vein Care staff also helped out with the lesson and shared their expertise with the physicians.