21, 7, 2014

Varicose Veins vs. Spider Veins


What is the difference between varicose veins and spider veins?  Are they the same thing? Spider veins and varicose veins both refer to dysfunctional, dilated leg veins but the main difference is the size of the veins. Spider veins are small, thread-like veins at the surface of the skin. They often appear in clusters or can have a ‘starburst’ or spider-like pattern. Varicose veins are larger veins that appear swollen, twisted cordlike veins that ‘bulge’ at the surface.

Both spider veins and varicose veins can cause pain and other symptoms like burning, aching, and throbbing. Both can be treated without surgery.

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This image describes the difference between spider veins and varicose veins. Both are manifestations of unhealthy veins. Spider veins are essential, tiny varicose veins.

Varicose Veins vs. Spider Veins2021-11-05T13:08:51-07:00

How is Venous Reflux Diagnosed?



Venous duplex imaging uses ultrasound waves to create pictures.  La Jolla Vein Care utilizes state-of-the-art ultrasound scanners to image the veins beneath the surface of the skin, not visible to the naked eye. Duplex ultrasound imaging can identify if the vein is healthy, or if it is refluxing, or if there are any blood clots in the vein.

Duplex ultrasound combines Doppler flow information and conventional imaging information, sometimes called B-mode, to allow physicians to see the structure of your blood vessels. Duplex ultrasound shows how blood is flowing through your vessels and measures the speed of the flow of blood. It can also be useful to estimate the diameter of a blood vessel as well as the amount of obstruction, if any, in the blood vessel.  Conventional ultrasound uses painless sound waves higher than the human ear can detect that bounce off of blood vessels. A computer converts the sound waves into two-dimensional, black and white moving pictures called B-mode images.

Doppler ultrasound measures how sound waves reflect off of moving objects. A wand bounces short bursts of sound waves off of red blood cells and sends the information to a computer. When performing duplex ultrasound, your ultrasound technologist or physician uses the two forms of ultrasound together. The conventional ultrasound shows the structure of your blood vessels and the Doppler ultrasound shows the movement of your red blood cells through the vessels. Duplex ultrasound produces images that can be color coded to show physicians where your blood flow is severely blocked as well as the speed and direction of blood flow.  Venous reflux refers to back flow of blood across dysfunctional vein valves.  The direction of blood flow is detected by ultrasound.  This is measured in seconds.


La Jolla Vein Care image that shows reflux in the great saphenous vein. Duplex ultrasound combines Doppler flow information and conventional imaging information, sometimes called B-mode, to allow physicians to see the structure of your blood vessels.

How is Venous Reflux Diagnosed?2021-11-05T11:48:32-07:00

What is the Femoral Vein?


The femoral vein is a large blood vessel of the leg that allows deoxygenated blood to travel to the heart and lungs to become oxygenated. It is located deep within the muscles of the thigh beginning just above the knee (at the adductor canal it is the continuation of the popliteal vein) and ends at the groin level (specifically, it ends at the inferior margin of the inguinal ligament where it becomes the external iliac vein.  It accompanies the femoral artery in the femoral sheath.  In this ultrasound image from La Jolla Vein Care, notice that the femoral vein runs along the same course as the femoral artery, which provides oxygenated blood from the heart and lungs to the rest of the body. The arteries and veins carry blood in opposite directions.  Ultrasound imaging detects the direction of blood flow and in this image, it femoral vein is ‘blue’ depicting blood flow moving toward the heart and the femoral artery is ‘red’ demonstrating blood flow away from the heart.

Ultra Sound detects Femoral Vein

Ultrasound image of the femoral vein and femoral artery. Ultrasound imaging detects the direction of blood flow and in this La Jolla Vein Care image, the femoral vein is ‘blue’ depicting blood flow moving toward the heart and the femoral artery is ‘red’ demonstrating blood flow away from the heart. Notice that the femoral vein and artery are located within the muscle. For orientation purposes, the skin is located at the top of the image.


What is the Femoral Vein?2022-01-03T13:29:29-08:00

8 Warning Signs of Vein Disease: #4 Swollen Ankles


Ankle swelling related to varicose veins and venous insufficiency may be subtle, leaving indentations from socks.

Swollen Ankles at Night

Thick, swollen ankles are signs that blood or other fluid is congested in the leg and/or leg veins. Over time, damaged vein walls can become even more stretched out and permeable, allowing fluid and protein to filter from the veins into surrounding leg tissue. When you lie down at night, the pressure from gravity is equalized across your leg. Usually, vein related swelling (venous edema) becomes apparent later in the day or worse throughout the day and improved with leg elevation or overnight during sleep.  Often in the morning, there may be no swelling. But, as the day progresses gravity causes poo

Pooling of blood around the ankle in incompetent veins. Venous insufficiency is one of the most common causes of ankle swelling that worsens throughout the day. Sometimes, the swelling can be subtle, leaving indentations from sock lines. Or, it may cause the skin to feel firm, shiny, or puffy by the end of the day.

If you have swelling, you should discuss it with your healthcare provider. Venous insufficiency can be diagnosed with a venous duplex sonogram, which is a non-invasive study of the leg veins.

8 Warning Signs of Vein Disease: #4 Swollen Ankles2021-11-05T04:26:19-07:00

8 Warning Signs of Vein Disease: #3 Open Sores or Ulcers on the Lower Leg


Venous leg ulcers are the result of chronic venous insufficiency and venous hypertension, which causes the skin to break down.

When chronic venous insufficiency reaches its most serious point, ulcers may appear on the lower leg. These open ulcers are the result of blood leaking into the leg tissue and damaging the skin. Open sores need to be treated by a doctor immediately.

8 Warning Signs of Vein Disease: #3 Open Sores or Ulcers on the Lower Leg2014-07-02T00:16:13-07:00

26, 6, 2014

8 Warning Signs of Vein Disease: #2 Discoloration of the Skin


Discoloration of the Skin

Over time, leakage of the blood into the area surrounding the veins can cause tissue to die. The resulting pooling of blood in the tissue causes a darkening of the skin. It is at this stage that the skin is actually stained by your own blood.  This is also known as venous stasis skin changes, skin hyperpigmentation, or venous stasis dermatitis because the skin is often inflamed, itchy, and eczema-like.  This is most frequently caused by venous reflux, an underlying condition that can be treated. When skin changes like these are present, the condition is termed chronic venous insufficiency. Over time, the skin condition may worsen and the skin may become darker, firm to touch, scaly, and itchy, and the skin may break down causing a venous leg ulcer.

8 Warning Signs of Vein Disease: #2 Discoloration of the Skin2021-11-03T17:41:45-07:00

8 Warning Signs of Vein Disease: #1Tired, Heavy Legs


Tired, heavy-feeling legs

One of the first signs of vein disease- your legs feeling chronically tired and heavy. This is a clear indication that the return flow of blood from the legs to the heart is impaired. The result is oxygen depletion in your legs and pooling of blood, increasing the pressure in your legs, giving you that tired, heavy feeling.

varicose veins

Varicose veins most frequently cause the legs to become heavy, achy and tired. But, these symptoms can be present even in the absence of varicose veins. Venous insufficiency, the underlying cause for varicose veins can cause leg heaviness, tiredness and swelling even before bulging veins are visible.

Many people think it is normal to have tired, heavy legs or that it is a part of aging. It is not. If you or someone you know, suffers from these symptoms, especially legs that become tired and heavy toward the end of the day, causing you go slow down your activities to sit and elevate the legs, you should get checked out for venous insufficiency.

8 Warning Signs of Vein Disease: #1Tired, Heavy Legs2021-11-05T04:03:22-07:00

What are Vein Valves?


In healthy veins, the valves close after the blood flows towards the heart, preventing backflow.
When veins become dilated, the valves cannot close properly, allowing blood to flow back towards the ankle.

Vein valves play a critical role in helping blood flow through the veins back to the heart. Like swinging doors, valves open to allow blood to flow toward the heart and flap closed again to prevent the flow of blood back down the legs. If the veins become dilated, the flap-like valves cannot completely close, making them incapable of preventing the backflow of blood. This ‘back flow’ of blood through dysfunctional valves is called venous reflux or venous insufficiency.

What are Vein Valves?2021-11-04T19:47:30-07:00

How Do Varicose Veins Develop?


This image demonstrates how varicose veins develop.

Your veins have one-way valves that help keep blood flowing toward your heart. If the valves are weak or damaged, blood can back up and pool in your veins. This causes the veins to swell, which can lead to varicose veins.

How Do Varicose Veins Develop?2021-11-04T17:35:41-07:00
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